Concluded the training course “Bycatch and protected species: a challenge for research in the Mediterranean” held as part of the Summer School organized by the Italian Marine Biology Society-Necton and Fisheries Committee in collaboration with the Triton Association. The course dedicated to graduate students was hosted at the Genoa Aquarium from July 1-3. A full immersion to understand the steps forward and solutions proposed by scientific research
to reduce the bycatch phenomenon for sharks and rays, sea turtles, cetaceans, and seabirds. The Life Delfi project, its research work on bycatch and the interaction between dolphins and fisheries, was the focus of the three-day training. Participants had the opportunity to engage with many experts on the subject including Alessandro Lucchetti of Irbim-Cnr Ancona, coordinator of Life Delfi, who outlined bycatch mitigation measures for PET (Protected, endangered and threatened species) and Guido Pietroluongo of the University of Padua (partner in the European project) who focused on conservation measures for these species.

Throughout the various interventions by the speakers, several actions implemented in recent years by the Life Delfi project team emerged: “smart” acoustic bollards supported by artificial intelligence; raising awareness and information of fishermen and the general public; the implementation of a diagnostic framework for better assessment of interactions with fishing activities; and the training of rescue teams, rescue teams capable of intervening in case of cetaceans in distress at sea or stranded.