Deliverable A2: Report on the review of good practices
Deliverable A3: Harmonized necropsy protocol including diagnostic framework for bycatch. Evidence-based diagnostic assessment frameworks for cetacean necropsies on interaction with fisheries: Common data collection and interpretation
Deliverable A3: Harmonized necropsy protocol including diagnostic framework for bycatch. Harmonized necropsy protocol for stranded cetaceans
Deliverable A3: Report on strandings related to bycatch in the last 5 years
Deliverable A3 - Framework for fishery interaction
Deliverable A3 Report on the presence of dolphins in the project areas
Deliverable A 3 - D3 Questionnaire survey for professional fishermen
Deliverable C1: Report on the set up of acoustic devices
Deliverable C3: Report on the alternative gears to be used in each area
Deliverable C7: Guidelines for disentanglement (Overview)
Deliverable C7: Guidelines for disentanglement Annex 2 Manual for small dolphins disentanglement operations
Deliverable C7_Annex1. Guidelines for the safe and humane handling and release of bycaught small cetaceans from fishing gear
Deliverable D.1: Report on the first year of use of deterrent-alternative devices
Deliverable D.1: Report on the second year of use of deterrent-alternative devices
Deliverable D2 - Monitoring of dolphins with evidence of fishery interactionHistorical photo-ID data preliminary collection
Action D2 - Deliverable First annual report on bycatch of stranded dolphins 2020/2021 1st part
Action D2 - Deliverable Second annual report on bycatch of stranded dolphins