Three days of training organized by the CERT of the University of Padua, a partner in Life Delfi, in collaboration with the National Reference Center for Diagnostic Investigations on Stranded Marine Mammals (C.Re.Di.Ma.) were held from Jan. 17-19.
Referents from the Experimental Zooprophylactic Institutes of the Italian coastal regions met to update and discuss necropsy protocols to be adopted for the assessment of stranded cetaceans. Particular attention was paid, both during the 2-day round table and during the day of necropsies of 5 dolphin specimens, to the diagnostic framework developed within the Life Delfi project for the assessment of the interaction between dolphins and fishing activities.
The meeting also turned into a unique opportunity for discussion with the goal of harmonizing cetacean necropsy survey approaches and producing results essential to species conservation.

Browse through the Necropsy Protocol produced by CERT