Informing and raising awareness among youngsters about the protection of dolphins in the Mediterranean Sea, which are at risk due to increasing interactions with fishing activities: the European Life Delfi project pupils from Abruzzo, Campania and Tuscany. At the end of the school year come the awards for schools that participated in the "Dolphin as a friend" contest, designed and organized by Legambiente as part of the activities of the European Life Delfi project.
Prizes for the contest were presented to: the pupils of the 1^E of the secondary school of the Istituto comprensivo Pescara 9; the VB and II A of the elementary school L. Sbrana of Viareggio in Tuscany; the IV primary class of the istiuto comprensivo "Pulcarelli-Pastena" of Massa Lubrense in Campania.
The Abruzzo school won the first edition of the Dolphin as a friend competition with a drawing entitled "Let's free the dolphins." The jury also wanted to give a special mention to the drawing of Alessandro, a student of class 1^D. Instead to have the elementary school of Viareggio "L. Sbrana" win the prize was a poster to call attention to the preservation of dolphins while in Campania the little boys and girls of class IV of "Pulcarelli-Pastena" focused on composing a story in five hand-colored slides.
For all winners and winners an award certificate and gadgets of projects made for the contest.
"On Italian coasts dolphin beaching is occurring more and more often, in many cases as a result of interactions with human activities. This is why Legambiente," says Cristina Vecchi of Legambiente Scuola e Formazione, "wanted to organize a contest for schools, to make the phenomenon known even to the youngest and thus raise awareness of cetacean conservation among future generations. After sending educational materials, we invited schoolchildren from the project areas-Abruzzo, Campania, Marche, Tuscany, Sicily and Veneto-to send in a graphic design such as posters, posters and drawings made with different tools to represent the issue of fishery-dolphin interactions and to raise awareness about the conservation of cetaceans and the biodiversity of the seas."
The story created by IC Pulcarelli-Pastena
I.C. Pescara 9
L.Sbrana Viareggio